Earnings potential: An easy 30 dollars an hour, unlimited earning potential
Time investment: Finding clients (just hang out at dog parks and yoga workshops)
Useful for: Animal lovers, people who love being outdoors

Dogwalkers are earning and winning in every possible corner. Does this sound silly? It's not. Think about it - they are developing social contacts, valuable life skills, and earning cold hard CASH.
Dogwalkers learn the valuable life skills of patience, willingness to put up with unexpected behavior, and an appreciation for nature. Dogs can be annoying animals. They poop everywhere and might bite you. This is good practice for having children. Once again, that's not a joke. At least you can kick a dog and not have CPS show up.
On top of that, is the cash that really makes it worth it. Dogwalkers are often paid a going rate of $15...every half hour. So $30 an hour. Cash. Suckers that went to college don't earn nearly that much starting out, and they ain't earning cash! Hey, and it gets better. That's per dog. If you drum up a neighborhood of yuppies, you can march down the street with four or five dogs leaving behind a steaming trail of success on people's front lawns. $120 an hour for such little work is, in all seriousness, something to try to acheive.
Also, if you are a guy, you have the opportunity to hit on lone female joggers. Not only are they seperated from the pack, but they are even lured in by your furry bait. You can meet women, potential future contacts, and more women. If they are so interested in dogs, they may even have some dogs (or friends with dogs) who will be willing to pay you.
So what are you waiting for? Get out and earn!
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